Policy Report: P2363/ELA
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Ministry of Natural Resources
Crown Land Use Policy Atlas
Policy Report
P2363/ELA: Experimental Lakes Area

IMPORTANT: This policy report relates to an overlay land use designation, and it contains land use direction that supplements and/or modifies the primary land use direction for the associated area. The overlay and primary policy reports should be read in conjunction with each other.


The Experimental Lakes Area is a controlled area established by the federal and Ontario governments for the purposes of conducting long term aquatic research. The experiments in the Experimental Lakes Area are conducted by the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans to provide quantitative guidelines for the management of lakes, streams, their watersheds and airsheds in order to protect them from the adverse effects of human activities and to enhance their value as resources.

The Experimental Lakes Area covers portions of the following land use designations:
- Teggau Lake Area
- Clay, Perrault, Route, Melgund and Tot Lake Area
- Silver Lake Area
- Eagle Dogtooth Provincial Park
- Eagle Dogtooth Forest Reserve
- Gibi Lake Area.


The Experimental Lakes Area research activities are governed by a federal-provincial agreement that is renewed every 5 years. The current agreement expires in 2005. A number of lakes in the Experimental Lakes Area area may be subject to different research programs in any given year. Due to the nature of some of the experiments it is often necessary to close areas to public access and to restrict lakes from recreational activities. On lakes and watersheds where there are no conflicts with research activities, a wide range of resource-based activities is possible.



Note: MNR will consider the Land Use Intent and Management Direction outlined in this policy report when reviewing applications for permitted activities that require licences, leases, permits, or other forms of approval. The review of individual applications involves the consideration of a variety of factors and requirements on a site-specific basis in addition to land use policy.

Cette Rapport d'orientation en français

This policy report is available online at the following address: http://crownlanduseatlas.mnr.gov.on.ca

© King's Printer for Ontario, 2006